Monday, February 6, 2012

Bonjour!  Today's Valentine is a little different......I decided to post a picture of a "felt" heart pocket valentine, I made last year for my Valentine Tree up in Big Bear.......

I just "luv" to decorate for all of the holidays!  And that's just what I will be working on this weekend when we head back up to God's Country!

I love everything crafty....don't you just "luv" my vintage Marie Antoinette, too?? I found these pictures years ago........I would love to know who made them....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday's Kathy Pardee

Bon jour ~ I hope you all enjoyed this....."Super" Sunday!! 
Today's Valentine is one of my favorites....this vintage postcard was made in Germany and has actual hair attached it to.  Sad to say, it's in pretty poor condition, but I still think the beauty of this woman shines through.... especially since this card is probably close to 100 years old.  She reminds me that "true beauty" come from within!  Even though we may have "cracks" on the outside, God doesn't judge us the way Man does.....thank goodness!

ta..ta...till tomorrow! 

Kathy Renee

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Today's Kathy Pardee....Kewps in my Chair!

Bon jour~  I absolutely.....LUV today's Valentine!  I'm sharing "Kewpish" luv with you today.  This vintage valentine postcard was published by the Gibson Art Company in the early 1900's. 

Rose O' one of my favorite artists.  She was a women ahead of her time!  I'll be sharing a lot more about her in the days to come.  For a number of years I was the President of the California Rose O'Neill Association!

Here is a close up picture of the darling cuddler's!  Don't you just "luv" the overstuffed chair.  It looks so....cozy!

Enjoy your day....and don't forget to tell someone you love them today!

ta....ta...till tomorrow!  Kathy Renee

Friday, February 3, 2012

Welcome to "Valentine a Day!

Bon jour.....I just "luv" Valentines!  I've been collecting them since I was 16 years old, when my Grandpa gave me one from his trunk!  So....I decided to share one new Valentine with you every day!  Today's Valentine is from February 15th, 1915.  It was manufactured by the International Art Publishing Company in Germany.  The card is # 4239 ~ I wonder if I can find the rest of the series???

I just "luv" the beautiful complexion this lovely lady has.....I bet she has been using Votre Vu! 

If you want to try the most Fab-VU-lous French Skin Care too......please visit my website.... !  We have Valentine gifts for everyone on your list!

ta..ta...for now!  Kathy Pardee